(a) An assistive technology loan guarantee fund is established in the agency. The fund consists of money appropriated to it. The agency may solicit and accept available public and private money for distribution from the fund.
(b) Subject to (c) and (d) of this section, the agency may use money in the fund established under this section to guarantee 90 percent of the principal amount of a loan or to subsidize the interest rate of a loan guaranteed by the agency for appropriate assistive technology that is best suited for enabling a person with a disability to
(1) obtain or maintain employment; or
(2) live more independently.
(c) The agency may guarantee a loan or subsidize the interest rate of a loan guaranteed under this section if
(1) the loan is made to a person with a disability or a member of the person’s family to obtain assistive technology for the person with a disability within the limitations of (b) of this section;
(2) the loan is originated and serviced by a state or federally chartered financial institution located in the state;
(3) before a loan guarantee or subsidy is requested from a lending institution, the agency determines that the person requesting the loan guarantee or subsidy is not able to obtain the needed assistive technology from a less costly source;
(4) the lending institution determines that the person or the family of a child reasonably can be expected to repay the loan given their expected income or other resources; and
(5) for a loan to modify a vehicle to provide transportation for a person with a disability, the applicant has been steadily employed for the 90 days immediately preceding the date of the loan application.
(d) The director shall establish an assistive technology loan committee within the agency. The committee shall consist of the director, or the director’s designee, a representative of a financial institution who is experienced with consumer loans, and at least one but not more than three persons with disabilities. The committee shall
(1) establish guidelines for providing loans under this section, including guidelines relating to the maximum amounts and duration of loans and guidelines to ensure that persons with disabilities who live in rural or remote areas of the state have adequate access to loans under this section;
(2) annually establish the percentage of money in the fund that may be used for subsidizing the interest rates on loans guaranteed under this section; and
(3) make reports and recommendations to the legislature on the operation of the loan program.
(e) In this section,
(1) “assistive technology” means durable equipment, adaptive aids, and assistive devices;
(2) “person with a disability” means an individual having a physical or mental disability.