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(a) The Alaska Workforce Investment Board shall meet not more than three times in a calendar year at the call of the chair to conduct its business. A majority of the members listed in or appointed to the board under AS 23.15.550(a) constitutes a quorum.

(b) The board shall establish an executive committee and four permanent standing committees as described in (c) – (g) of this section. The chair of a permanent standing committee must be from the private sector. The board may establish additional standing committees and special committees or subcommittees, not necessarily consisting of board members, to advise and assist the board in carrying out its functions assigned by federal or state statute. The permanent standing committees are

(1) the assessment and evaluation committee;

(2) the policy and planning committee;

(3) the employment and placement committee; and

(4) the workforce readiness committee.

(c) The executive committee consists of the chair and vice-chair of the board, the immediate past chair of the board, and the chairs of the four standing committees described in (d) – (g) of this section. The executive committee has the duties and may exercise the powers of the council between meetings of the board. The executive committee shall

(1) report to the board in a timely fashion on actions taken on behalf of the board; and

(2) supervise the affairs of the board between regular meetings of the board.

(d) The assessment and evaluation committee shall

(1) assess and evaluate programs, initiatives, and the delivery of services to help to ensure equitable distribution of quality education, training, and employment services statewide, especially to rural areas and to programs serving economically disadvantaged citizens;

(2) call for and monitor the workforce development system for increased accountability in performance and continuous quality improvement along the goals and strategies of the board’s overall statewide strategic plan for workforce development;

(3) use evaluation and performance measures to gauge customer satisfaction within the workforce development system; and

(4) perform other duties assigned by the board.

(e) The policy and planning committee shall

(1) build policies regarding day-to-day operations and long-term responsibilities of the board;

(2) work to increase awareness of the board and its mission throughout the state;

(3) work with all other committees on a statewide strategic plan for workforce development; and

(4) perform other duties assigned by the board.

(f) The employment and placement committee shall

(1) ensure the statewide strategic plan for workforce development addresses

(A) customer needs at the local level;

(B) moving welfare recipients into the workforce;

(C) promoting the hiring of state residents in jobs that have traditionally been filled by out-of-state workers;

(D) tailoring employment and training programs to suit state business, industry, and economic development needs;

(2) monitor the coordination of service delivery to promote efficiency and to prevent overlap of services among programs; and

(3) perform other duties assigned by the board.

(g) The workforce readiness committee shall

(1) provide oversight for training, education, and employment programs to ensure the programs are delivering education and training that is relevant to local market needs and the career goals of state residents;

(2) build partnerships between employers and quality workforce training programs;

(3) work to connect the state public and private education systems with business, government, and labor to ensure that state residents are receiving workforce readiness skills throughout the education process; and

(4) perform other duties assigned by the board.