Only the following provisions of this title apply to home rule municipalities as prohibitions on acting otherwise than as provided. These provisions supersede existing and prohibit future home rule enactments that provide otherwise:
(1) AS 29.05.140 (transition);
(2) AS 29.06.010 (change of municipal name);
(3) AS 29.06.040 – 29.06.060 (annexation and detachment);
(4) AS 29.06.090 – 29.06.170 (merger and consolidation);
(5) AS 29.06.190 – 29.06.420 (unification of municipalities);
(6) AS 29.06.450 – 29.06.530 (dissolution);
(7) AS 29.10.100 (charter amendment);
(8) AS 29.20.010 (conflict of interest);
(9) AS 29.20.020 (meetings public);
(10) AS 29.20.050 (legislative power);
(11) AS 29.20.060 – 29.20.120 (assembly composition and apportionment);
(12) AS 29.20.140 (qualifications of members of governing bodies);
(13) AS 29.20.150 (term of office);
(14) AS 29.20.220 (executive power);
(15) AS 29.20.270(e) (ordinance veto by mayor);
(16) AS 29.20.630 (prohibited discrimination);
(17) AS 29.20.640 (reports);
(18) AS 29.25.010(a)(10) (municipal exemption on contractor bond requirements);
(19) AS 29.25.050 (codification);
(20) AS 29.25.060 (resolutions);
(21) AS 29.25.070(e) and (f) (penalties);
(22) AS 29.25.074 (surcharge);
(23) AS 29.25.080 (breast-feeding);
(24) AS 29.26.030 (notice of elections);
(25) AS 29.26.050 (voter qualification);
(26) AS 29.26.250 – 29.26.360 (recall);
(27) AS 29.35.020 (extraterritorial jurisdiction);
(28) AS 29.35.030 (eminent domain);
(29) AS 29.35.050(a) – (c) (garbage and solid waste services);
(30) AS 29.35.055 (local air quality control program);
(31) AS 29.35.060 (franchises and permits);
(32) AS 29.35.070 (public utilities);
(33) AS 29.35.080 (alcoholic beverages);
(34) AS 29.35.090(b) (certain vacations of rights-of-way prohibited);
(35) AS 29.35.120 (post audit);
(36) AS 29.35.125 (fees for police protection services);
(37) AS 29.35.131 – 29.35.137 (enhanced 911 system);
(38) AS 29.35.141 (regulation of radio antennas);
(39) AS 29.35.144 (sprinkler fire protection systems);
(40) AS 29.35.145 (regulation of firearms and knives);
(41) AS 29.35.146 (images captured by unmanned aircraft systems);
(42) AS 29.35.147 (licensing of massage therapists);
(43) AS 29.35.148 (regulation of transportation network companies or drivers).
(44) AS 29.35.149 (regulation of dextromethorphan);
(45) AS 29.35.160 (education);
(46) AS 29.35.170(b) (assessment and collection of taxes);
(47) AS 29.35.180(b) (land use regulation);
(48) AS 29.35.250 (cities inside boroughs);
(49) AS 29.35.260 (cities outside boroughs);
(50) AS 29.35.340 (acquisition of areawide power);
(51) AS 29.35.450 (service areas);
(52) AS 29.35.500 – 29.35.590 (hazardous materials and wastes);
(53) AS 29.40.160(a) – (c) (title to vacated areas);
(54) AS 29.40.200 (subdivisions of state land);
(55) AS 29.45.010 – 29.45.560 and 29.45.800 (property taxes);
(56) AS 29.45.650(c), (d), (e), (f), (i), (j), and (k) (sales and use tax);
(57) AS 29.45.700(d), (e), and (g) (sales and use tax);
(58) AS 29.45.750 (taxation of mobile telecommunications);
(59) AS 29.45.810 (exemption from municipal taxation);
(60) AS 29.45.820 (air carriers);
(61) AS 29.46.010(b) (exemption from municipal assessment);
(62) AS 29.47.200(b) (security for bonds);
(63) AS 29.47.260 (revenue bonds);
(64) AS 29.55.100 – 29.55.165 (energy and resilience improvement assessment programs);
(65) AS 29.65 (general grant land);
(66) AS 29.71.040 (procurement preference for state agricultural and fisheries products);
(67) AS 29.71.050 (procurement preference for recycled Alaska products).