(a) Upon application of the state or the parolee, the board may change a condition of parole previously imposed under AS 33.16.150(b).
(b) If the proposed change in conditions of parole is more restrictive of a parolee’s liberty, the parolee is entitled to notice of the proposed change, the reasons for the proposed change, a hearing before the board, and an opportunity to respond to the proposed change and to present evidence.
(c) Notwithstanding (a) and (b) of this section, when a parole officer determines that an emergency situation requires an immediate change in a condition of parole, or the imposition of a new condition, the parole officer may impose the change or new condition immediately, without a hearing. The parole officer shall immediately notify the board of the imposition of the emergency change or new condition and shall provide a written report setting out the basis for the change or new condition and the nature of the emergency. The effective period of a change in condition or imposition of a new condition under this subsection may not exceed 15 working days.
(d) A condition of parole may be changed, a new condition of parole may be imposed, or a new or changed condition imposed under (c) of this section may be extended by a member of the board or the board’s designee if, after a preliminary hearing, an emergency situation is found that requires a change in condition. The effective period of a change in condition under this subsection, the imposition of a new condition under this subsection, or the extension under this subsection of a new or changed condition imposed under (c) of this section may not exceed 90 days.