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Home » US Law » 2022 Alaska Statutes » Title 37. Public Finance » Chapter 07. Executive Budget Act » Sec. 37.07.020. Responsibilities of the governor.

(a) The governor shall prepare a budget for the succeeding fiscal year that must cover all estimated receipts, including all grants, loans, and money received from the federal government and all proposed expenditures of the state government. The budget shall be organized so that the proposed expenditures for each agency are presented separately. The budget must be accompanied by the information required under AS 37.07.050 and by the following separate bills: (1) an appropriation bill authorizing the operating and capital expenditures of the state’s integrated comprehensive mental health program under AS 37.14.003(a); (2) an appropriation bill authorizing state operating expenditures other than those included in the state’s integrated comprehensive mental health program; (3) an appropriation bill authorizing capital expenditures other than those included in the state’s integrated comprehensive mental health program; and (4) a bill or bills covering recommendations, if any, in the budget for new or additional revenue. The budget for the succeeding fiscal year and each of the bills shall become public information on December 15 at which time the governor shall submit copies to the legislature and make copies available to the public. The bills, identical in content to the copies released on December 15, shall be delivered to the rules committee of each house before the fourth legislative day of the next regular session for introduction.

(b) In addition to the budget and bills submitted under (a) of this section, the governor shall submit a capital improvements program covering the succeeding six fiscal years. The governor shall also submit a fiscal plan with estimates of significant sources and uses of funds for the succeeding 10 fiscal years. The fiscal plan

(1) must include sufficient details to identify

(A) significant sources of funds;

(B) significant uses of funds, including lump sum projections of

(i) operating expenditures;

(ii) capital expenditures;

(iii) debt service expenditures;

(iv) fund capitalizations;

(v) appropriations of income of the Alaska permanent fund (art. IX, sec. 15, Constitution of the State of Alaska), if any;

(2) must balance sources and uses of funds held while providing for essential state services and protecting the economic stability of the state;

(3) must include projected balances of significant funds held in separate accounts, including the budget reserve fund (art. IX, sec. 17, Constitution of the State of Alaska), the public education fund (AS 14.17.300), and the Alaska capital income fund (AS 37.05.565);

(4) must set out significant assumptions used in the projections with sufficient detail to enable the legislature to rely on the fiscal plan in understanding, evaluating, and resolving issues of state budgeting, including information that supports major areas of operating increases, such as population demographics that affect the need for particular government services.

(c) Proposed expenditures may not exceed estimated revenue for the succeeding fiscal year. The expenditures proposed in the six-year capital improvements program may not exceed the estimated revenue and bond authorizations passed and proposed.

(d) [Repealed, § 35 ch 126 SLA 1994.]

(e) The budget prepared under (a) of this section must present the proposed operating expenditures for each agency for annual facility operations, annual maintenance and repair, and periodic renewal and replacement for components of public buildings and facilities separately from the other proposed operating expenditures by the agency. Proposed annual appropriations for an agency’s facility operations, maintenance and repair, and renewal and replacement for components of public buildings and facilities contained in an appropriation bill prepared under (a) of this section must be presented separately from appropriations for other proposed operating expenditures by the agency.

(f) In addition to the budget, bills, and fiscal plan submitted under (a) and (b) of this section, in every even-numbered year, the governor shall submit a bill to eliminate or modify publication requirements for publications that have been identified under AS 44.99.220

(1) as outdated, duplicative, or excessive, or that could be improved or consolidated with other publications; or

(2) that could be exclusively delivered electronically.