(a) The department may
(1) make loans for the purchase, construction, and installation, in commercial buildings that are located in the state, of
(A) alternative energy systems; and
(B) energy conservation improvements;
(2) adopt regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of AS 45.88.010 – 45.88.090, including regulations to establish reasonable fees for services provided and charges for collecting the fees;
(3) collect the fees and collection charges established under this subsection.
(b) The department shall develop eligibility standards for loans made under AS 45.88.010 – 45.88.090 and adopt guidelines for the determination of loan terms.
(c) The department may not make a loan under AS 45.88.010 – 45.88.090 to a person who has a past due child support obligation established by court order or by the child support services agency under AS 25.27.160 – 25.27.220 at the time of application.