(a) The department may contract with a person or local government for the delivery of services to be provided by the department under AS 47.06.010 if the commissioner of family and community services determines the service will be provided at less cost to the state or will be provided in a more effective manner.
(b) Services that may be provided by contract under this section include accepting applications for assistance, conducting interviews, making eligibility determinations, and issuing benefits, but do not include adoption of program standards or other matters involving the exercise of agency discretion.
(c) A contract authorized under this section is exempt from the competitive bid requirements of AS 36.30 (State Procurement Code). In awarding a contract under this section the department shall request proposals in accordance with regulations of the Department of Administration under AS 36.30 (State Procurement Code).
(d) This section does not limit the authority provided by law for the department to contract for the delivery of services other than those provided under AS 47.06.010.