(a) Unless registration of a mark is renewed for a 10-year term as provided in this section, the registration expires on the tenth anniversary of its effective date.
(b) Within 1 year before registration of a mark expires, the Secretary of State shall mail to the registrant, at the last known address of the registrant:
(1) a renewal application form; and
(2) a notice that states:
(i) the date on which the current registration expires;
(ii) the date by which the Secretary of State must receive the renewal application for the renewal to be issued and mailed before the registration expires;
(iii) the amount of the renewal fee; and
(iv) instructions on how to access the renewal application form online.
(c) Before the registration of a mark expires, the registrant periodically may renew it for an additional 10–year term if, within 6 months before the expiration of the term of the registration:
(1) the registrant submits to the Secretary of State:
(i) a renewal application on the form that the Secretary of State provides; and
(ii) 3 different specimens or reproductions of the mark being used;
(2) the registrant states in the renewal application that the mark is still in use in the State;
(3) the mark otherwise is entitled to be registered; and
(4) the registrant pays to the Secretary of State a renewal fee of $50.
(d) The Secretary of State shall renew the registration of and issue a renewal certificate to each registrant who meets the requirements of this section.
(e) A specimen or reproduction submitted under subsection (c) of this section may not include a business paper, including letterhead, a business card, or an envelope.