58-63-103. Use of money for education, training, and enforcement.
The director may, with the concurrence of the board, use the money collected under Section 58-63-503 for the following purposes:
The director may, with the concurrence of the board, use the money collected under Section 58-63-503 for the following purposes:
- (1) educating and training licensees under this chapter;
- (2) educating and training the general public or other interested persons in matters concerning the laws that govern the practices licensed under this chapter; and
- (3) enforcing this chapter by:
- (a) investigating unprofessional or unlawful conduct; and
- (b) providing legal representation to the division when it takes legal action against a person charged with unprofessional or unlawful conduct.
Amended by Chapter 303, 2011 General Session
Amended by Chapter 342, 2011 General Session