Effective 5/5/2021
4-22-103. Utah Dairy Commission created.
4-22-103. Utah Dairy Commission created.
- (1) There is created an independent state agency known as the Utah Dairy Commission.
- (2) Subject to Subsection (5), the Utah Dairy Commission consists of 11 members as follows:
- (a) nine voting members as follows:
- (i) two from District 1, which consists of Cache and Rich Counties;
- (ii) four members from District 2, which consists of Box Elder, Weber, Morgan, Salt Lake, Davis, Utah, Tooele, Wasatch, Summit, Duchesne, Uintah, and Daggett Counties; and
- (iii) three members from District 3, which consists of Millard, Beaver, Iron, Washington, Sanpete, Carbon, Emery, Grand, Juab, San Juan, Piute, Wayne, Kane, Garfield, and Sevier Counties; and
- (b) two nonvoting members as follows:
- (i) the commissioner or the commissioner’s designee; and
- (ii) the dean of the College of Agriculture at Utah State University, or the dean’s designee.
- (a) nine voting members as follows:
- (3) The voting members listed in Subsection (2)(a) shall be elected to four-year terms of office as provided in Section 4-22-105.
- (4) A voting member shall enter office on July 1 of the year in which the member is elected. The commission shall stagger the voting members’ terms so that no more than three voting members’ terms expire in a given year.
- (5)
- (a) To maintain equitable representation of active milk producers on the commission, the commission may, by a two-thirds vote:
- (i) alter the boundaries comprising the districts established in Subsection (2)(a); or
- (ii) increase or decrease the number of voting members in each district without altering the total number of commission members.
- (b) If the commission increases the number of voting members in a district under this Subsection (5), a new member will be elected as provided in Section 4-22-105.
- (c) If the commission decreases the number of voting members in a district under this Subsection (5), each member representing the district will continue in office through the end of the member’s term and the member whose term expires first will not be replaced or reelected upon expiration of the member’s term.
- (d) If the commission acts under this Subsection (5), it shall report the changes to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee.
- (a) To maintain equitable representation of active milk producers on the commission, the commission may, by a two-thirds vote:
- (6) A member shall be:
- (a) a citizen of the United States;
- (b) 21 years old or older;
- (c) an active milk producer with five consecutive years of experience in milk production within this state immediately preceding election; and
- (d) a resident of Utah and the district represented.
Amended by Chapter 295, 2021 General Session