Affected by 63I-1-204 on 7/1/2032
Effective 5/4/2022
4-20-103. Utah Grazing Improvement Program Advisory Board — Duties.
- (1)
- (a) There is created within the department the Utah Grazing Improvement Program Advisory Board.
- (b) The commissioner shall appoint the following members:
- (i) one member from each regional board;
- (ii) one member from the Conservation Commission, created in Section 4-18-104;
- (iii) one representative of the Department of Natural Resources;
- (iv) two livestock producers at-large; and
- (v) one representative of the oil, gas, or mining industry.
- (2) The term of office for a state board member is four years.
- (3) Members of the state board shall elect a chair, who shall serve for two years.
- (4) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member’s service but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
- (a) Section 63A-3-106;
- (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
- (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107.
- (5) The state board shall:
- (a) receive:
- (i) advice and recommendations from a regional board concerning:
- (A) management plans for public lands, state lands, and school and institutional trust lands as defined in Section 53C-1-103, within the regional board’s region; and
- (B) any issue that impacts grazing on private lands, public lands, state lands, or school and institutional trust lands as defined in Section 53C-1-103, in its region; and
- (ii) requests for restricted account money from the entities described in Subsections (5)(c)(i) through (iv);
- (i) advice and recommendations from a regional board concerning:
- (b) recommend state policy positions and cooperative agency participation in federal and state land management plans to the department and to the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office, created under Section 63L-11-201; and
- (c) advise the department on the requests and recommendations of:
- (i) regional boards;
- (ii) county weed control boards, created in Section 4-17-105;
- (iii) cooperative weed management associations; and
- (iv) conservation districts created under the authority of Title 17D, Chapter 3, Conservation District Act.
- (a) receive:
Amended by Chapter 84, 2022 General Session
Amended by Chapter 382, 2021 General Session