Effective 5/4/2022
39A-8-103. West Traverse Sentinel Landscape Coordinating Committee.
39A-8-103. West Traverse Sentinel Landscape Coordinating Committee.
- (1) There is created the West Traverse Sentinel Landscape Coordinating Committee.
- (2) The committee shall be composed of the following members:
- (a) the adjutant general of the Utah National Guard or another senior officer appointed by the adjutant general;
- (b) the executive director of the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs or the director’s designee;
- (c) a landowner, selected by the chair, who owns property within the sentinel landscape area;
- (d) a representative from a land conservation organization in Utah recognized as accredited under the standards and practices of the Land Trust Accreditation Commission;
- (e) a representative from each municipality adjacent to Camp Williams, at the discretion of the municipality;
- (f) one representative each from Salt Lake, Utah, and Tooele counties, at the discretion of the county governing body;
- (g) a representative from a nongovernmental land management organization; and
- (h) one member selected from a state agency that participates in land management activities.
- (3) Committee members shall be selected and serve in accordance with this Subsection (3).
- (a) The committee member representing Subsection (2)(c) shall be selected by the chair from a list of nominees presented by local officials.
- (b) The committee members representing Subsections (2)(d) and (g) shall be invited to participate by the chair with the approval of a majority of the committee.
- (c) Each incorporated municipality bordering Camp Williams shall, at its discretion no later than July 1 of each year, provide the chair with the name of the individual who will represent the municipality on the committee, as provided in Subsection (2)(e). If the municipality declines to be represented on the committee, it shall send a letter to the chair on the municipality’s letterhead stating that no individual will be appointed.
- (d) If a county, as provided in Subsection (2)(f), declines to be represented on the committee, it shall send a letter to the chair on the county’s letterhead not later than July 1 of each year stating that no individual will be appointed.
- (e) The committee chair shall request the appointment of members representing Subsection (2)(h) from:
- (i) the governor if the request is for a member from a state agency; or
- (ii) the mayor or governing body of a local government entity if the request is for a member from a local government agency.
- (4) The adjutant general or his appointee shall serve as chair of the committee.
- (5) The committee shall meet at the call of the chair, but not less than twice each calendar year.
- (6) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member’s service but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
- (a) Section 63A-3-106;
- (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
- (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107.
- (7) The Utah National Guard shall provide staff support for the committee.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 373, 2022 General Session