Effective 5/4/2022
39A-8-104. Committee responsibilities.
39A-8-104. Committee responsibilities.
- (1) The committee shall:
- (a) identify lands to be included in the designated sentinel landscape;
- (b) develop strategies and recommendations to encourage landowners within the sentinel landscape to voluntarily participate in and begin or continue land uses compatible with Camp Williams’s military mission; and
- (c) publish any policies and procedures as administrative rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
- (2) In designating sentinel lands, the coordinating committee shall include all working or natural lands that the coordinating committee believes contribute to the long-term sustainability of the military missions conducted at Camp Williams.
- (3) The committee shall determine the appropriate level of state resources required to adequately protect Camp Williams’s military mission and may apply for grants from the LeRay McAllister Critical Lands Conservation Program to aid in securing those resources.
- (4) In determining lands to designate, the coordinating committee shall seek input from:
- (a) the director of the Department of Defense Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program; and
- (b) the director of the National Guard Bureau Army Compatible Use Buffer Program, as authorized under 10 U.S.C. Sec. 2684(a).
- (5) The committee shall provide a written report of its activities if state funds are expended during the previous calendar year no later than July 31 annually to:
- (a) the governor;
- (b) the Government Operations Interim Committee; and
- (c) the Executive Appropriations Committee.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 373, 2022 General Session