Effective 12/3/2018
4-41a-105. Agreement with a tribe.
4-41a-105. Agreement with a tribe.
- (1) As used in this section, “tribe” means a federally recognized Indian tribe or Indian band.
- (2)
- (a) In accordance with this section, the governor may enter into an agreement with a tribe to allow for the operation of a cannabis production establishment on tribal land located within the state.
- (b) An agreement described in Subsection (2)(a) may not exempt any person from the requirements of this chapter.
- (c) The governor shall ensure that an agreement described in Subsection (2)(a):
- (i) is in writing;
- (ii) is signed by:
- (A) the governor; and
- (B) the governing body of the tribe that the tribe designates and has the authority to bind the tribe to the terms of the agreement;
- (iii) states the effective date of the agreement;
- (iv) provides that the governor shall renegotiate the agreement if the agreement is or becomes inconsistent with a state statute; and
- (v) includes any accommodation that the tribe makes:
- (A) to which the tribe agrees; and
- (B) that is reasonably related to the agreement.
- (d) Before executing an agreement under this Subsection (2), the governor shall consult with the department.
- (e) At least 30 days before the execution of an agreement described in this Subsection (2), the governor or the governor’s designee shall provide a copy of the agreement in the form in which the agreement will be executed to:
- (i) the chairs of the Native American Legislative Liaison Committee; and
- (ii) the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel.
Enacted by Chapter 1, 2018 Special Session 3