Effective 7/1/2017
4-23-107. Annual fees on sheep, goats, cattle, and turkeys — Determination by board — Collection methods.
4-23-107. Annual fees on sheep, goats, cattle, and turkeys — Determination by board — Collection methods.
- (1) To assist the department in meeting the annual expense of administering this chapter, the following annual predator control fees are imposed upon animals owned by persons whose interests this chapter is designed to protect:Sheep and goats (except on farm dairy
goats or feeder lambs)………………………………………………………………………….at least $.70 but not
more than $1 per head
Cattle (except on farm dairy cattle)……………………………………………………….at least $.15 but not
more than $.50 per head
Turkeys (breeding stock only)………………………………………………………………at least $.05 but not
more than $.10 per head
- (2) The amount of the fees imposed upon each category of animals specified in this section shall be determined by the board annually on or before January 1 of each year.
- (3)
- (a) Fee brand inspected cattle are subject to a predator control fee upon change of ownership or slaughter.
- (b) The fee shall be collected by the local brand inspector at the time of the inspection of cattle, or withheld and paid by the market from proceeds derived from the sale of the cattle.
- (c) Cattle that are fee brand inspected prior to confinement to a feedlot are not subject to any subsequent predator control fee.
- (4)
- (a) Fleece of sheared sheep is subject to a predator control fee upon sale of the fleece.
- (b)
- (i) The fee shall be withheld and paid by the marketing agency or purchaser of wool from proceeds derived from the sale of the fleece.
- (ii) The department shall enter into cooperative agreements with in-state and out-of-state wool warehouses and wool processing facilities for the collection of predator control fees on the fleece of sheep that graze on private or public range in the state.
- (c) The fee shall be based on the number of pounds of wool divided by 10 pounds for white face sheep and five pounds for black face sheep.
- (5) Predator control fees on turkey breeding stock shall be paid by the turkey cooperative.
- (6)
- (a) Livestock owners shall pay a predator control fee on any livestock that uses public or private range in the state which is not otherwise subject to the fee under Subsection (3) or (4).
- (b) By January 1, the commissioner shall mail to each owner of livestock specified in Subsection (6)(a) a reporting form requiring sufficient information on the type and number of livestock grazed in the state and indicating the fee imposed for each category of livestock.
- (c) Each owner shall file the completed form and the appropriate fee with the commissioner before April 1.
- (d) If any person who receives the reporting form fails to return the completed form and the imposed fee as required, the commissioner is authorized to commence suit through the office of the attorney general, in a court of competent jurisdiction, to collect the imposed fee, the amount of which shall be as determined by the commissioner.
- (7) All fees collected under this section shall be remitted to the department and deposited in the Agricultural and Wildlife Damage Prevention Account.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 345, 2017 General Session