Section 108. The following words as used in this section and in sections one hundred and nine to one hundred and seventeen, inclusive, shall, unless the context requires otherwise, have the following meanings:—
”Board”, the board of registration of nursing home administrators established under section seventy of chapter thirteen.
”Nursing home administrator”, a person who administers, manages, supervises or is in general administrative charge of a nursing home whether such individual has an ownership interest in such home and whether his functions and duties are shared with one or more individuals. Nothing in this chapter or the rules and regulations thereunder shall be construed to require an applicant for a license as a nursing home administrator who is employed by an institution operated by and for persons who rely exclusively upon treatment by spiritual means through prayer for healing, in accordance with the creed or tenets of a church or religious denomination, to demonstrate proficiency in any medical techniques or to meet any medical educational qualifications or medical standards not in accord with the remedial care and treatment provided in such institutions.
”Nursing home”, any institution or facility providing nursing care which is licensed under section seventy-one of chapter one hundred eleven or any other law of the commonwealth, including but not limited to convalescent homes, charitable homes for the aged, and infirmaries maintained in towns, or any other appropriate facility as determined by the Secretary of the United States’ Department of Health, Education and Welfare.