Effective 7/1/2022
53B-34-108. Utah Works Program.
53B-34-108. Utah Works Program.
- (1) There is created the Utah Works Program.
- (2) The Utah Works Program, under the direction of the talent board, shall partner with the following entities to develop short-term pre-employment training and short-term early employment training for student and workforce participants that meet the needs of businesses that are creating jobs and economic growth in the state:
- (a) the Department of Workforce Services;
- (b) the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity; and
- (c) businesses that have significant hiring demands for primarily newly created jobs in the state.
- (3) In addition to the duties described in Subsection (2), the Utah Works Program may:
- (a) coordinate with the Department of Workforce Services, education agencies, and employers to create effective recruitment initiatives to attract student and workforce participants and business participants to the program;
- (b) coordinate with the board to develop educational and training resources to provide student participants in the program qualifications to be hired by business participants in the program; and
- (c) coordinate with the state board and local education agencies when appropriate to develop educational and training resources to provide student participants in the program qualifications to be hired by business participants in the program.
- (4) The board, in consultation with the talent board, may, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, make rules regarding the development and administration of the Utah Works Program.
- (5) The Utah Works Program shall annually report the following metrics to the board:
- (a) the number of participants in the program;
- (b) how program participants learned about or were referred to the program;
- (c) the number of participants who have completed training offered by the program; and
- (d) the number of participants who have been hired by a business participating in the program.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 362, 2022 General Session
Technically renumbered for proper placement in Title 53B, Chapter 34.