Section 11-12-15
Preferred claims and order of their priority; payment of same.
(a) The following claims are declared to be preferred claims against the county, and they shall be given priority in the order named:
(1) Costs of heating the county jail, of supplying it with wholesome water for drinking and bathing, of keeping it in a cleanly condition and free from offensive odors and of providing it with necessary water closets and dry earth, beds, bedding, and clothing; fuel; water; light; janitor’s services of the courthouse and jail; premiums for fire insurance on the public buildings of the county; and premiums on surety bonds of public officers where authorized by law to be paid by the county.
(2) Compensation of the members of the county commission; compensation of deputy sheriffs, the probate judge, the sheriff, the tax assessor, the county treasurer, and jailers for services performed by them and authorized to be paid to them by law; claims for the removal of prisoners; and, claims for conveying insane persons to state institutions.
(3) Claims for necessary stationery and office supplies, including typewriters and supplies and telephones and telephone services, for offices of the probate judge, tax assessor, and tax collector; claims for the use of a building or buildings for a courthouse and a jail where the county does not have a suitable building or buildings for a courthouse and jail; and, claims of the Secretary of State for certified copies of field notes.
(4) All claims authorized to be paid from funds appropriated by the county commission of the county to assist in financing a program of agriculture and farm home life in cooperation with the extension service created under an act of the Congress of the United States approved May 8, 1914, and generally known as the Smith-Lever Act for extension work in agriculture and home economics.
(5) Interest on bonds heretofore and hereafter lawfully issued by the county, in the order of their issuance, as evidenced by the interest coupons attached to such bonds or by the bonds themselves.
(b) For the payment of the above recited claims, in the order named, it shall be the duty of the county treasurer or custodian of the county funds to set apart a sufficient fund from the moneys of the county, and he and his official bond shall be held liable for a failure to do so, insofar as the funds of the county make it possible for him to do so.
(Code 1886, §908; Code 1896, §1423; Code 1907, §153; Acts 1923, No. 483, p. 634; Code 1923, §231; Acts 1931, No. 276, p. 325; Acts 1935, No. 110, p. 162; Acts 1935, No. 463, p. 990; Code 1940, T. 12, §121; Acts 1953, No. 182, p. 235.)