US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


    The Department:

        (1)    as soon as possible but not later than 3 working days after receiving the conviction data and fingerprints of a registrant, shall transmit the data and fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation if the Bureau does not have that information;

        (2)    shall keep a central registry of registrants and a listing of juvenile sex offenders;

        (3)    shall weekly transmit the central registry of registrants to the State Department of Education in a format that can be used by the State Superintendent to cross–reference with the database of licensed child care centers, registered family child care homes, and approved Child Care Subsidy Program informal providers;

        (4)    shall reimburse local law enforcement units for the cost of processing the registration statements of registrants, including the cost of taking fingerprints, palm prints, and digital images;

        (5)    shall reimburse local law enforcement units for the reasonable costs of implementing community notification procedures;

        (6)    shall be responsible for receiving and distributing all intrastate, federal, and foreign government communications relating to the registration of sex offenders; and

        (7)    shall notify all jurisdictions where the registrant will reside, carry on employment, or attend school within 3 days of changes in the registrant’s registration.