Subdivision 1. Initial report. By January 1, 1995, the agency must submit to the environment and natural resources committees of the legislature a report that includes:
(1) a five-year regulatory strategy to protect the public health and the environment from emissions of toxic air contaminants; and
(2) a list prioritizing and categorizing facilities emitting toxic air contaminants.
Subd. 2. Continuing reports. Beginning January 1, 1997, and every two years thereafter, the agency shall submit to the legislative committees with jurisdiction over environment and natural resource issues a report that provides an update of the following:
(1) an analysis of the achievements, shortfalls, and resource needs for implementing the agency’s strategy under subdivision 1, clause (1);
(2) an analysis of the data collected from the agency’s statewide monitoring and inventory program under section 116.454;
(3) an analysis of reductions in emissions of toxic air contaminants; and
(4) an updated list prioritizing and categorizing facilities emitting toxic air contaminants.
1993 c 172 s 76