set out below.]
125-O:9 Compliance Dates. –
The owner or operator of each affected source shall comply with the provisions of this chapter, excluding the subdivision on mercury emissions, RSA 125-O:11 through 125-O:18, and the subdivision for CO
2 emissions, RSA 125-O:19 through RSA 125-O:28, by December 31, 2006.
[RSA 125-O:9 effective the date that the commissioner of the department of environmental services certifies to the secretary of state and the director of the office of legislative services that certain states have terminated or have authorized termination of their participation in the regional greenhouse gas initiative; see also RSA 125-O:9
set out above.]
125-O:9 Compliance Dates. –
The owner or operator of each affected source shall comply with the provisions of this chapter, excluding the subdivision on mercury emissions, RSA 125-O:11 through 125-O:18, by December 31, 2006.
Source. 2002, 130:2. 2006, 105:3. 2008, 182:6. 2012, 281:14, eff. as provided by 2012, 281:17.