Effective: September 14, 2000
Latest Legislation: House Bill 640 – 123rd General Assembly
(A) The commissioners of the sinking fund, prior to the twentieth day of December of each year, shall certify to the treasurer of state:
(1) The amount of moneys required during the next succeeding calendar year to meet in full, as they become due, payments of principal, interest, and charges for the issuance and retirement of obligations issued pursuant to Section 2i of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and former section 129.70 of the Revised Code, and the date of such payments;
(2) The amount of money to the credit of the public improvements bond retirement fund created under section 129.72 of the Revised Code on the date the certification is made.
(B) The commissioners of the sinking fund, not earlier than the thirtieth day nor later than the twentieth day, prior to the date any payments of principal, interest, or charges for the issuance or retirement of obligations issued under Section 2i of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, or former section 129.70 of the Revised Code become due, shall certify to the treasurer of state the total amount of such payments of principal, interest, or charges, the amount of moneys then to the credit of the public improvements bond retirement fund created under section 129.72 of the Revised Code that may be expended for such payments, and any amounts of additional money necessary to meet such payments in full when due.
(C) Upon receipt of the certification required under division (B) of this section, the treasurer of state shall transfer the additional amounts of money, if any, certified as necessary under division (B) of this section to make the payments of principal, interest, or charges as certified under such division to the public improvements bond retirement fund created by section 129.72 of the Revised Code, from the undistributed revenues derived from all excises and taxes of the state, except ad valorem taxes on real and personal property, income taxes, and fees, excises or license taxes relating to registration, operation, or use of vehicles on the public highways, or to fuels used for propelling such vehicles, which excises and taxes, other than those excepted, are and shall be deemed to be levied, in addition to the purposes otherwise provided for by law, to provide in accordance with the provisions of this section for the payment of interest, principal, and charges on tax supported obligations, including bonds and notes, issued pursuant to Section 2i of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and former section 129.70 of the Revised Code, provided that the treasurer of state shall draw first upon the undistributed revenues derived from the tax levied by section 5739.02 of the Revised Code and then from the undistributed revenues derived from the taxes levied by sections 3769.08, 4301.42, 4301.43, 4305.01, 5725.18, 5727.24, 5727.38, 5729.03, 5731.02, 5731.18, 5731.19, 5733.06, 5741.02, 5743.02, and 5743.32 of the Revised Code in proportion to the amount of undistributed revenues from each such tax.
(D) If on presentation for payment when due of either principal or interest on obligations issued pursuant to Section 2i of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and former section 129.70 of the Revised Code, there are insufficient moneys for the payment of such principal and interest, the treasurer of state shall also transfer to the public improvements bond retirement fund from the undistributed revenues referred to in division (C) of this section and in the order specified therein such additional amounts as may be required for such payments.