(a) An action may be brought under this subtitle by a susceptible adult or older adult or by a person serving in one or more of the following representative capacities for a susceptible adult or older adult:
(1) An attorney in fact, guardian, trustee, or other fiduciary acting on behalf of the susceptible adult or older adult, or a successor named in an instrument providing such authorization;
(2) A person authorized to make health care decisions for the susceptible adult or older adult, or a successor named in an instrument providing the authorization;
(3) A spouse, parent, or descendent of the susceptible adult or older adult;
(4) An individual who would qualify as the susceptible adult’s or older adult’s presumptive heir;
(5) A person named as a beneficiary to receive any property, benefit, or contractual right on the susceptible adult’s or older adult’s death, including a person who would be a beneficiary but for the financial exploitation;
(6) The personal representative or special administrator of an estate of a deceased susceptible adult or older adult; or
(7) A government agency that otherwise has authority and jurisdiction, including:
(i) The Division of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Attorney General; and
(ii) The Securities Commissioner of the Division of Securities in the Office of the Attorney General.
(b) A cause of action authorized under this subtitle:
(1) Is in addition to and cumulative with any other criminal or administrative claims, causes of action at law or in equity, or remedies otherwise available to the susceptible adult or older adult, including an action under § 13–204 of the Commercial Law Article and § 11–209 of the Corporations and Associations Article; and
(2) Shall survive the death of the susceptible adult or older adult.