131:4 Service; Reimbursements; Rulemaking. –
The commissioner of the department of health and human services shall adopt rules pursuant to RSA 541-A relative to a list of laboratory services to be provided under this chapter and a schedule of fees for such services. The fees may be waived by the commissioner when the commissioner determines it is in the best interests of the health of the public to do so. Fees collected under this section shall be forwarded to the state treasurer to be deposited in the general fund.
Source. 1901, 23:5. PL 127:6. 1935, 59:1. RL 149:6. 1943, 118:1, par. 4. RSA 131:4. 1986, 198:10. 1995, 308:26; 310:182, 183. 2003, 319:90, eff. Jan. 1, 2004.