Section 14-9-67
Quarterly reports.
(a) In addition to any reporting requirements under existing law, the Department of Corrections shall provide to the Joint Legislative Prison Oversight Committee quarterly reports, including all of the following:
(1) The number of prisoners who are eligible to receive education incentive time for participation in qualifying programs.
(2) The number of prisoners eligible to receive education incentive time who participate in a qualifying program.
(3) The number of prisoners eligible to receive education incentive time who complete or fail to complete a qualifying program.
(4) The recidivism rate for prisoners who successfully complete a qualifying program before release.
(5) The post-release outcomes, including employment, of prisoners who successfully complete a qualifying program before release.
(b) In addition to any reporting requirements under existing law, the Board of Pardons and Paroles shall provide the Joint Legislative Prison Oversight Committee quarterly reports detailing the outcomes of parole hearings of prisoners who have received education incentive time.
(Act 2021-477, §1.)