The commissioner shall, for the protection of the occupational and public health and safety:
I. Develop and conduct comprehensive policies and programs for evaluation of hazards associated with the use of chemical or physical agents and for their amelioration.
II. Develop and conduct programs with due regard for compatibility with federal programs for consultation regarding chemical or physical agents.
III. Advise, consult, and cooperate with other agencies of the state, the federal government, other states, interstate agencies, political subdivisions, industries, and groups concerned with control of chemical or physical agents.
IV. Have the authority to accept, spend for the purpose of this chapter, and administer loans, grants, and other funds or gifts, conditional or otherwise, in furtherance of these functions, from the federal government and from other sources, public or private.
V. Encourage, participate in, or conduct studies and demonstrations in training and research relating to the control of chemical or physical agents, the measure of these agents, the effects on health of exposure to these agents, and related problems as necessary or advisable to the discharge of the duties under this chapter.
VI. Collect and disseminate health education information relating to protection from chemical or physical agents.
VII. Develop a schedule of fees by rule, pursuant to RSA 541-A, and assess and collect such fees for services provided under this chapter. The commissioner is authorized to establish a revolving fund into which shall be deposited the fees collected under this paragraph. The commissioner, with approval of the governor and council, shall be authorized to utilize the moneys from the revolving fund so created for the purposes outlined in this chapter.
VIII. Require reports from physicians regarding ailments or diseases which may be contracted from occupational exposures to chemical or physical agents.
Source. 1986, 198:20. 1995, 310:183, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.