Subdivision 1. Fetal death report required. A fetal death report must be filed within five days of the death of a fetus for whom 20 or more weeks of gestation have elapsed, except for abortions defined under section 145.4241. A fetal death report must be prepared in a format prescribed by the state registrar and filed in accordance with Minnesota Rules, parts 4601.0100 to 4601.2600 by:
(1) a person in charge of an institution or that person’s authorized designee if a fetus is delivered in the institution or en route to the institution;
(2) a physician, certified nurse midwife, or other licensed medical personnel in attendance at or immediately after the delivery if a fetus is delivered outside an institution; or
(3) a parent or other person in charge of the disposition of the remains if a fetal death occurred without medical attendance at or immediately after the delivery.
Subd. 2. Sudden infant death. Each infant death which is diagnosed as sudden infant death syndrome shall be reported within five days to the state registrar.
1978 c 699 s 11; 1984 c 637 s 2; 1Sp2001 c 9 art 15 s 20; 2002 c 379 art 1 s 113; 2005 c 60 s 3