The commissioner of health shall seek additional federal funds for the following statewide planning, coordination, preparation, and response activities related to the Zika virus:
(1) maintaining state and local public health readiness to address Zika-related public health threats;
(2) conducting diagnostic tests of patients who meet criteria for Zika testing and maintaining enhanced laboratory surveillance activities related to Zika;
(3) engaging in Zika surveillance activities, including evaluating patients for testing based on criteria, advising health care providers on Zika virus research, providing recommendations and interpretations of test results, and conducting Zika-related public awareness and prevention activities; and
(4) conducting mosquito surveillance activities under section 144.95 to enhance monitoring of areas where mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus may be found in Minnesota, notwithstanding section 144.95, subdivision 10.
2016 c 179 s 5