Section 15-20A-10
Adult sex offender – Registration with local law enforcement; residence restrictions.
(a)(1) Immediately upon release from incarceration, or immediately upon conviction if the adult sex offender is not incarcerated, the adult sex offender shall appear in person and register all required registration information with local law enforcement in each county in which the adult sex offender resides or intends to reside, accepts or intends to accept employment, accepts or intends to accept a volunteer position, and begins or intends to begin school attendance.
(2) An adult sex offender who registers pursuant to subdivision (1) shall have seven days from release to comply with the residence restrictions pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 15-20A-11.
(b) Immediately upon establishing a new residence, accepting employment, accepting a volunteer position, or beginning school attendance, the adult sex offender shall appear in person to register with local law enforcement in each county in which the adult sex offender establishes a residence, accepts employment, accepts a volunteer position, or begins school attendance.
(c)(1) Immediately upon transferring or terminating any residence, employment, or school attendance, the adult sex offender shall appear in person to notify local law enforcement in each county in which the adult sex offender is transferring or terminating residence, employment, or school attendance.
(2) Whenever a sex offender transfers his or her residence, as provided in subdivision (1) from one county to another county, the sheriff of the county from which the sex offender is transferring his or her residence shall immediately notify local law enforcement in the county in which the sex offender intends to reside. If a sex offender transfers his or her residence, as provided in subdivision (1) from one county to another jurisdiction, the sheriff of the county from which the sex offender is transferring his or her residence shall immediately notify the chief law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction in which the sex offender intends to reside.
(d) Immediately upon any name change, the adult sex offender shall immediately appear in person to update the information with local law enforcement in each county in which the adult sex offender is required to register.
(e)(1) Upon changing any required registration information, including by transferring or terminating a residence the adult sex offender shall immediately appear in person and update the information with local law enforcement in each county in which the adult sex offender resides. Provided, however, any changes in telephone numbers, email addresses, instant message addresses, or other on-line identifiers or Internet service providers may be reported to local law enforcement in person, electronically, or telephonically as required by the local law enforcement agency.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law regarding the establishment of residence, an adult sex offender has transferred or terminated his or her residence for purposes of subdivision (1) whenever the adult sex offender vacates his or her residence or fails to spend three or more consecutive days at his or her residence without previously notifying local law enforcement or completing a travel notification document pursuant to Section 15-20A-15.
(f) An adult sex offender shall appear in person to verify all required registration information during the adult sex offender’s birth month and every three months thereafter, regardless of the month of conviction, for the duration of the adult sex offender’s life with local law enforcement in each county in which the adult sex offender resides.
(g) At the time of registration, the adult sex offender shall be provided a form explaining any and all duties and restrictions placed on the adult sex offender. The adult sex offender shall read and sign this form stating that he or she understands the duties and restrictions imposed by this chapter. If the adult sex offender refuses to sign the form, the designee of the registering agency shall sign the form stating that the requirements have been explained to the adult sex offender and that the adult sex offender refused to sign.
(h) For purposes of this section, a school includes an educational institution, public or private, including a secondary school, a trade or professional school, or an institution of higher education.
(i) If an adult sex offender was convicted and required to register prior to July 1, 2011, then the adult sex offender shall begin quarterly registration after his or her next biannual required registration date.
(j) Any person who knowingly violates this section shall be guilty of a Class C felony.
(Act 2011-640, p. 1569, §10; Act 2015-463, p. 1506, §1; Act 2017-414, §5.)