Section 15-20A-15
Adult sex offender – Travel.
(a) Immediately before an adult sex offender temporarily leaves his or her county of residence for a period of three or more consecutive days, the adult sex offender shall report in person to the sheriff in each county of residence and complete and sign a travel notification document.
(b) The travel notification document shall be a form prescribed by the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency to collect dates of travel, the intended destination or destinations, temporary lodging information, and any other information reasonably necessary to monitor a sex offender who plans to travel.
(c) If a sex offender intends to travel to another country, he or she shall report in person to the sheriff in each county of residence and complete a travel notification document at least 21 days prior to such travel. If the travel to another country is for a family or personal medical emergency or a death in the family, then the sex offender shall report in person to the sheriff in each county of residence immediately prior to travel. Any information reported to the sheriff in each county of residence shall immediately be reported to the United States Marshals Service and the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency.
(d) The travel notification document shall explain the duties of the adult sex offender regarding travel as prescribed by the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency and a certification that the adult sex offender understands the duties required of him or her and that the information he or she provided on the travel notification document is true and correct. No sex offender shall provide false information on the travel notification document.
(e) The sheriff in each county of residence shall immediately notify local law enforcement in the county or the jurisdiction to which the adult sex offender will be traveling.
(f) Upon return to the county of residence, the adult sex offender shall immediately report to the sheriff in each county of residence.
(g) All completed travel notification documents shall be included with the adult sex offender’s required registration information.
(h) Any person who knowingly violates this section shall be guilty of a Class C felony.
(Act 2011-640, p. 1569, §15; Act 2015-463, p. 1506, §1; Act 2017-414, §5.)