Section 15-23-123
Sexual Assault Task Force.
(a) The Attorney General shall establish the Sexual Assault Task Force. The task force shall develop, coordinate, and disseminate national protocols, produced by the U.S. Department of Justice, regarding the care and treatment of sexual assault survivors and the preservation of forensic evidence.
(b) The task force shall consist of the following members:
(1) Two appointees selected by the Attorney General, with at least one appointee selected from the Alabama Crime Victims’ Compensation Commission.
(2) Two appointees selected by the Governor.
(3) One appointee selected by the District Attorneys Association.
(4) One appointee selected by the Department of Forensic Sciences.
(5) One appointee selected by the Medical Association of the State of Alabama.
(6) Three members of the Senate appointed by the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
(7) Three members of the House of Representatives appointed by the chair of the House Judiciary Committee.
(8) One appointee selected by the Alabama Sheriffs Association.
(9) One appointee selected by the Commissioner of Mental Health.
(10) One appointee selected by the Alabama Hospital Association.
(11) One appointee selected by the Commissioner of the State Department of Human Resources.
(c) The appointing authorities shall coordinate their appointments to assure the task force membership is inclusive and reflects the racial, gender, geographic, urban, rural, and economic diversity of the state.
(d) Task force members shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses associated with attending meetings by the respective appointing authorities according to applicable law.
(e) The task force shall consult with all of the following:
(1) Stakeholders in law enforcement, prosecution, forensic laboratory, counseling, forensic examiner, medical facility, and medical provider communities.
(2) Representatives of at least three entities with demonstrated expertise in sexual assault prevention, sexual assault victim advocacy, or representation of sexual assault victims, and at least one representative shall be a sexual assault victim.
(f) The task force shall have the following responsibilities specifically regarding the care and treatment of sexual assault survivors and preservation of evidence:
(1) Develop recommendations for improving the coordination of the dissemination and implementation of national protocols, produced by the U.S. Department of Justice, to physicians, hospitals, forensic examiners, medical associations, and leaders in the medical community.
(2) Develop recommendations to promote the coordination of the dissemination and implementation of national protocols, produced by the U.S. Department of Justice, to the Attorney General, the Secretary of the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency, the Director of the Department of Forensic Sciences, and other leaders in the law enforcement community.
(3) Collect feedback from stakeholders, practitioners, and leadership throughout law enforcement, victim services, forensic science practitioners, and health care communities on ways to best ensure implementation of the national protocols produced by the U.S. Department of Justice.
(4) Perform other activities, such as activities relating to development, dissemination, outreach, engagement, or training associated with advancing victim-centered care for sexual assault survivors.
(g) No later than August 1, 2023, the task force shall submit to the Attorney General, the Legislature, and the Governor, a report containing the findings and recommended actions of the task force.
(Act 2021-481, §4.)