Effective – 20 Jun 1986
151.010. What railroads are taxable. — All railroads now constructed, in course of construction, or which shall hereafter be constructed in this state, and all real property, tangible personal property, and intangible personal property owned, used, leased or otherwise controlled by any railroad company or corporation in this state, shall be subject to taxation, and taxes levied on such real property and tangible personal property shall be levied in the manner herein set forth, and the taxes on such intangible personal property shall be levied and collected in the manner otherwise provided by law.
(RSMo 1939 § 11242, A.L. 1945 p. 1825 § 2, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1022, et al.)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 10011; 1919 § 13001 1909 § 11553
Effective 6-20-86
Taxation of railroads, Const. Art. X § 5
(1974) Held that there is no conflict between taxation of railroads under this chapter and a city ordinance for a special assessment for boulevard maintenance and improvement. Ashley v. Metz (Mo.), 513 S.W.2d 308.