The governor shall appoint a Board of Podiatric Medicine consisting of two public members as defined by section 214.02 and five resident podiatrists. The podiatrists must each hold a degree of doctor of podiatric medicine and be licensed to practice podiatric medicine under this chapter. Membership terms, compensation of members, removal of members, the filling of membership vacancies, and fiscal year and reporting requirements shall be as provided in sections 214.07 to 214.09. The provision of staff, administrative services and office space; the review and processing of complaints; the setting of board fees; and other provisions related to board operations shall be as provided in chapter 214.
The board shall elect from among its members a president and a secretary-treasurer. The board may adopt rules as necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter. The members of the board may administer oaths and take testimony as to matters pertaining to the duties of the board. Four members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The board shall have a common seal, which shall be kept by the executive director.
(5770) 1917 c 382 s 3; 1961 c 369 s 1; 1973 c 638 s 31; 1975 c 136 s 32; 1975 c 271 s 6; 1976 c 222 s 96; 1976 c 239 s 59; 1987 c 108 s 3; 1991 c 199 art 1 s 46