Whoever makes, sells, uses or has in his possession or under his control a bottle or other breakable container containing a flammable liquid into which has been fixed or placed a wick or similar device, and which bottle or container when ignited and thrown will cause a fire or explosion, shall be subject to the following penalty:
I. If the offense occurs prior to November 1, 1973, he shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than 2
1/2 years, or both.
II. If the offense occurs on or after November 1, 1973, he shall, if a natural person, be guilty of a Class B felony, and any other person shall be guilty of a felony.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to flares, lanterns, fireworks or other such devices used for signal or illumination purposes, or items used for any other lawful purpose.
Source. 1973, 419:1, eff. Aug. 29, 1973.