15902. (a) Persons eligible to be served by the Health Care Coverage Initiative are low-income uninsured individuals who are not currently eligible for the Medi-Cal program, Healthy Families Program, or Access for Infants and Mothers program.
(b) Funding for the Health Care Coverage Initiative shall be used to expand health care coverage for eligible uninsured individuals.
(c) Any expansion of health care coverage for uninsured individuals shall not diminish access to health care available for other uninsured individuals, including access through disproportionate share hospitals, county clinics, or community clinics.
(d) Services provided under the Health Care Coverage Initiative shall be available to those eligible uninsured individuals enrolled in a Health Care Coverage program, and nothing in this part shall be construed to create an entitlement program of any kind.
(e) No state General Fund moneys shall be used to fund the Health Care Coverage Initiative, nor to fund any related administrative costs provided to counties.
(Added by Stats. 2006, Ch. 76, Sec. 2. Effective July 18, 2006. Inoperative on date prescribed in Section 15908. Repealed six months after inoperative date, pursuant to Section 15908.)