16-1-302. Account established; state match.
(a) There is established the state drinking water revolving loan account. All monies received from the federal capitalization grants, excluding any set-aside authorized by the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. § 300j-12), and all state matching funds shall be deposited in the account and shall only be used to provide financial assistance as authorized by this article.
(b) The twenty percent (20%) state matching funds for each federal capitalization grant payment to the account may be paid fifty percent (50%) out of water development accounts I or II created by W.S. 41-2-124(a) and fifty percent (50%) from the federal mineral royalty capital construction account created by W.S. 9-4-604, up to the maximum amount available and authorized from those accounts. If the available and authorized funds from the federal mineral royalty capital construction account and water development accounts I or II are together insufficient to provide the full twenty percent (20%) state match amount, the board may authorize additional matching funds to be paid from the corrective action account or loaned from the mineral royalty capital construction account created by W.S. 9-4-604. Funding received from the corrective action account for state matching funds and any additional monies received from the mineral royalty capital construction account shall be reimbursed from eligible program funds to the account from which they were paid.
(c) Any unexpended balance in the account shall be invested by the state treasurer and the investment proceeds, including the interest earned, shall be credited to the account.
(d) A separate administrative account shall be established outside of the account for the purpose of paying administrative expenses associated with the program as authorized under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Revenue to this account shall be limited to four percent (4%) of the federal capitalization grant through federal fiscal year 2003 and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) per biennium thereafter.