Section 16-23-3
Provisional certificates.
(a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State of Alabama shall modify its policies relative to the certification of teachers to permit an expanded alternative certification program for prospective teachers for grades six through 12. In addition to certificates issued pursuant to this chapter to individuals graduating from approved teacher education programs, the State Board of Education shall adopt policies, procedures, rules, regulations, or standards authorizing an alternative certificate to be issued by the State Superintendent of Education to an individual, regardless of whether the individual is a graduate of an approved teacher education program, where the applicant shall:
(1) Hold an earned bachelor’s or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
(2) Submit the required application forms and fees and, when required, a separate fingerprint fee, along with fingerprints and release forms.
(3) Be recommended for certification by the employing Alabama local school superintendent or private school administrator.
(4) Be assigned a mentor by the employing superintendent or private school administrator.
(5) Meet the requirements of the Alabama Prospective Teacher Testing Program as set forth by the State Board of Education.
(6) Verify compliance with one of the following admission criteria:
a. That at least 30 semester hours credit, 18 of which shall be upper division level, have been earned in the field for which certification is sought.
b. An earned bachelor’s or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education with a non-education major in the academic area for which certification is sought.
c. A passing score on the appropriate Praxis content test of the Alabama Prospective Teacher Testing Program.
(7) Request that an official transcript be sent directly to the employing superintendent or private school administrator.
(b) The State Board of Education shall further adopt policies, procedures, rules, regulations, or standards authorizing an alternative certificate to be issued by the State Superintendent of Education to an individual, regardless of whether the individual is a graduate of an approved teacher education program, where the applicant shall:
(1) Hold a master’s or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
(2) Be a retiree in good standing, or honorably discharged former member of the Armed Forces of the United States, with at least 10 years of service.
(3) Otherwise satisfy all other requirements of subsection (a), as they relate to a master’s or higher degree, except for the requirement that he or she verify a passing score on the appropriate Praxis content test of the Alabama Prospective Teacher Testing Program as provided in paragraph c. of subdivision (6) of subsection (a).
(c) Any alternative certificate shall be valid for the period of time as shall be set by policies, procedures, rules, regulations, or standards which shall be adopted by the State Board of Education but in no event shall the period extend beyond four years from the July 1 beginning date of the initial alternative certificate.
(d) Where an individual has received an alternative certificate or certificates and has been employed for three full years by no more than two county or city school boards or private schools while holding alternative certificates, the individual may be granted a teaching certificate issued by the State Superintendent of Education pursuant to Section 16-23-1, when:
(1) Approved by the State Superintendent of Education.
(2) Approved according to policies, procedures, rules, regulations, or standards which shall be adopted by the State Board of Education. The policies, procedures, rules, regulations, or standards shall require that the recipient of an alternative certificate successfully complete no more than the equivalent of 12 semester hours of college course work in education related courses, as may be determined by the State Board of Education based upon factors such as the recipient’s individual educational background, prior to the issuance of a teaching certificate pursuant to Section 16-23-1.
(e) Any individual granted a teaching certificate issued by the State Superintendent of Education pursuant to Section 16-23-1, following the receipt of an alternative certificate, as herein provided, may be eligible to attain continuing service status pursuant to Chapter 24C, the Students First Act of 2011. Time served as a teacher pursuant to an alternative certificate shall be counted in determining continuing service status pursuant to Section 16-24C-4.
(f) The State Superintendent of Education, in cases of emergency when certified teachers, including teachers who may have received alternative certificates pursuant to this section, are not available, may grant emergency certificates of the different kinds and grades, but any such emergency certificate shall not be valid for a period to exceed two years but shall expire at the end of the scholastic year for which it is issued. An emergency certificate may be extended or renewed one time as provided by policies, procedures, rules, regulations, or standards adopted by the State Board of Education, for a maximum validity of four years. Time served as a teacher pursuant to an emergency certificate shall not be counted in determining continuing service status pursuant to Section 16-24C-4.
(g) Any alternative certificate issued pursuant to this section shall be limited to individuals teaching grades six through 12; provided, however, that an alternative certificate may be issued for individuals teaching grades kindergarten through eight if limited to the subject areas of the fine arts or foreign languages, or both.
(School Code 1927, §345; Code 1940, T. 52, §328; Acts 1991, No. 91-323, p. 602, §3; Act 2008-281, p. 546, §1; Act 2019-364, §1; Act 2021-111, §1.)