** TAKES EFFECT JULY 1, 2022 PER CHAPTERS 767 AND 768 OF 2021 **
(a) Except as otherwise provided in § 10–226 of the State Government Article, before the Executive Director takes any final action under § 16.9–207 of this subtitle, the Executive Director shall give the person against whom the action is contemplated an opportunity for a hearing before the Executive Director.
(b) The Executive Director shall give notice and hold the hearing in accordance with Title 10, Subtitle 2 of the State Government Article.
(c) The Executive Director may administer oaths in a proceeding under this section.
(d) The person against whom the action is contemplated may be represented at the hearing by counsel.
(e) If, after due notice, the person against whom the action is contemplated does not appear, nevertheless the Executive Director may hear and determine the matter.