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161D.6 Responsibilities.

The board of directors of the alliance shall have the following responsibilities:

1. To prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan for the development and conservation of the loess hills area subject to the approval of the authority. The plan shall provide for the designation of significant scenic areas, the protection of native vegetation, the education of the public on the need for and methods of preserving the natural resources of the loess hills area, and the promotion of tourism and related business and industry in the loess hills area.

2. To apply for, accept, and expend public and private funds for planning and implementing projects, programs, and other components of the mission of the alliance subject to approval of the authority.

3. To study different options for the protection and preservation of significant historic, scenic, geologic, and recreational areas of the loess hills including but not limited to a federal or state park, preserve, or monument designation, fee title acquisition, or restrictive easement.

4. To make recommendations to and coordinate the planning and projects of the alliance with the authority.

5. To develop and implement pilot projects for the protection of loess hills areas with the use of restrictive easements from willing sellers and fee title ownership from willing sellers subject to approval of the authority.

6. To report annually not later than January 15 to the general assembly the activities of the alliance during the preceding fiscal year including, but not limited to, its projects, funding, and expenditures.

99 Acts, ch 119, §6, 7, 9

Referred to in §161D.2