(1) “Authorized depository” means a mailbox, post office box or rural box used by postal customers to deposit outgoing mail or used by the Postal Service to deliver incoming mail.
(2) “Mail” means any letter, card, parcel or other material that:
(a) Is sent or delivered by means of the Postal Service;
(b) Has postage affixed by the postal customer or Postal Service or has been accepted for delivery by the Postal Service; and
(c) Is placed in any authorized depository or mail receptacle or given to any Postal Service employee for delivery.
(3) “Mail receptacle” means any location used by the Postal Service or postal customers to place outgoing mail or receive incoming mail.
(4) “Postage” means a Postal Service stamp, permit imprint, meter strip or other authorized indication of prepayment for service provided or authorized by the Postal Service for collection and delivery of mail.
(5) “Postal Service” means the United States Postal Service. [1999 c.920 §1]