16528. (a) The department, in collaboration with the State Department of Health Care Services, and in consultation with the County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California, the County Welfare Directors Association of California, child welfare advocates, providers, current or former foster children or youth, and caregivers, shall issue all necessary guidance for county-based mobile response systems for purposes of this chapter, including, but not limited to, data tracking and claiming of federal funding.
(b) The State Department of Health Care Services may submit a Medicaid state plan amendment, waiver request, or both, in order to maximize federal financial participation in implementing this chapter. The State Department of Health Care Services shall, in submitting a Medicaid state plan amendment or waiver request, consult with the department, the County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California, and the County Welfare Directors Association of California, and consider relevant information from other state systems with mobile response capacity.
(c) To the extent that the Director of Health Care Services determines that federal approval is necessary in order to receive federal financial participation for any portion of the activities to be delivered pursuant to the Family Urgent Response System for which federal funding has been assumed, the implementation of the system shall not occur until the effective date specified in the federal approval obtained by the State Department of Health Care Services. This chapter shall be implemented only to the extent that any necessary federal approvals have been obtained pursuant to subdivision (b) and federal financial participation is available for those activities for which federal funding has been assumed, unless state funds are appropriated in the annual Budget Act to implement these activities.
(Added by Stats. 2019, Ch. 27, Sec. 107. (SB 80) Effective June 27, 2019. Conditionally inoperative pursuant to Section 16530.)