I. Except when a county assisted person has made arrangements for a prepaid funeral, if the total liquid assets of a county assisted person at death are less than $1,000, there shall be an automatic assignment to the funeral director or the person who paid for the funeral and burial or cremation of the deceased to the extent of funeral and burial or cremation expenses up to $1,000.
II. The funeral director or the person who paid for the funeral and burial or cremation expenses may submit a notarized statement to the effect that he has paid the expenses, together with an itemized list of the expenses, to the entity holding the assets. Upon submission of the statement and the list, the person shall receive payment to the extent of the expenses authorized under this section.
III. The entity making the payment shall provide a receipt and shall send a copy of the receipt to the county commissioners.
IV. If no assets remain after a payment is made under this section, the entity making the payment shall so notify the probate court having jurisdiction over the estate.
Source. 1981, 253:1. 1985, 380:47. 2000, 202:2, eff. Jan. 1, 2001.