1667. The board shall prescribe the rules under which approval shall be granted including the standards regarding the care and treatment of such animals employed. Any person desiring approval to use animals for the purposes covered by this chapter shall make application to the department for such approval on forms provided by the department. The board shall grant approval on forms provided by the department to any person who has made application in accordance with the provisions of this article and who is found to be in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations of the board. Any person keeping or using animals under the provisions of this chapter shall display in a prominent place the certificate of approval granted for such purpose. Such approval shall remain in effect for one fiscal year if not revoked by the board. If the board does not within ninety (90) days after the filing of this application grant approval it shall state the grounds and reasons for its refusal in writing, serving a copy upon the applicant, the notice may be served by registered mail addressed to the applicant at his last known address.
(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 1750.)