I. Any of the parties to a gestational carrier agreement may petition the court for a parentage order declaring that the intended parent or parents are the sole parents of a child resulting from assisted reproduction and a gestational carrier arrangement, and that the gestational carrier and her spouse or partner, if any, are not the parent or parents of such a child. Such a petition may be brought in the court in the county where the gestational carrier resides, where the intended parent or parents reside, or where the resulting child is born or is expected to be born. Such a petition may be brought either before, during, or subsequent to the pregnancy. The court shall, within 30 days, grant the petition upon a finding that the parties have substantially complied with the requirements of this chapter pertaining to the execution of a gestational carrier agreement. Sworn affidavits demonstrating substantial compliance shall be sufficient to permit such a finding and a hearing shall not be required unless the court requires additional information which cannot reasonably be ascertained without a hearing. In the absence of such substantial compliance, the court may in its discretion issue such parentage order upon a finding that the parties intended to enter into a gestational carrier arrangement and the best interests of the child would be met by permitting parentage to be established in this manner. Such parentage orders issued under this section shall conclusively establish or affirm, where applicable, the parent-child relationship.
II. Upon the request of any party, such parentage order shall direct that the certificate of birth name the intended parent or parents as the sole parent or parents of the resulting child and that such a certificate of birth shall not name the gestational carrier or her spouse or partner, if any, as the parent or parents of the resulting child.
III. All proceedings pursuant to this section shall be closed to the public, and papers and records pertaining to such proceedings shall be subject to inspection only upon consent of all the parties or upon a showing of good cause supported by a court order.
Source. 2014, 248:2, eff. July 21, 2014. 2015, 17:2, eff. July 4, 2015.