169.14 Procedure for suspension or revocation.
A proceeding for the revocation or suspension of a license to practice veterinary medicine or to discipline a person licensed to practice veterinary medicine shall be substantially in accord with the following:
1. The board, upon its own motion or upon a verified complaint in writing, may request the department of inspections and appeals to conduct an investigation of the charges contained in the complaint. The department of inspections and appeals shall report its findings to the board, and the board may issue an order fixing the time and place for hearing if a hearing is deemed warranted. A written notice of the time and place of the hearing, together with a statement of the charges, shall be served upon the licensee at least ten days before the hearing in the manner required for the service of notice of the commencement of an ordinary action.
2. If the licensee has left the state, the notice and statement of the charges shall be so served at least twenty days before the date of the hearing, wherever the licensee may be found. If the whereabouts of the licensee is unknown, service may be had by publication as provided in the rules of civil procedure upon filing the affidavit required by those rules. If the licensee fails to appear either in person or by counsel at the time and place designated in the notice, the board shall proceed with the hearing.
3. The hearing shall be before a member or members designated by the board or before an administrative law judge appointed by the board according to the requirements of section 17A.11, subsection 1. The presiding board member or administrative law judge may issue subpoenas, administer oaths, and take or cause depositions to be taken in connection with the hearing. The member or officer shall issue subpoenas at the request and on behalf of the licensee.
4. A mechanized or stenographic record of the proceedings shall be kept. The licensee shall be given the opportunity to appear personally and by attorney, with the right to produce evidence in one’s own behalf, to examine and cross-examine witnesses, and to examine documentary evidence produced against the licensee.
5. If a person refuses to obey a subpoena issued by the presiding member or administrative law judge or to answer a proper question put to that person during the hearing, the presiding member or administrative law judge may invoke the aid of a court of competent jurisdiction in requiring the attendance and testimony of that person and the production of papers. A failure to obey the order of the court may be punished by the court as a civil contempt may be punished.
6. Unless the hearing is before the entire board, a transcript of the proceeding, together with exhibits presented, shall be considered by the entire board at the earliest practicable time. The licensee and attorney shall be given the opportunity to appear personally to present the licensee’s position and arguments to the board. The board shall determine the charge upon the merits on the basis of the evidence in the record before it.
7. Upon three members of the board voting in favor of finding the licensee guilty of an act or offense specified in section 169.13, the board shall prepare written findings of fact and its decision imposing one or more of the following disciplinary measures:
a. Suspend the license to practice veterinary medicine for a period to be determined by the board.
b. Revoke the license to practice veterinary medicine.
c. Suspend imposition of judgment and penalty or impose the judgment and penalty, but suspend enforcement and place the veterinarian on probation. The probation ordered may be vacated upon noncompliance. The board may restore and reissue a license to practice veterinary medicine, and may impose a disciplinary or corrective measure which it might originally have imposed.
8. Judicial review of the board’s action may be sought in accordance with chapter 17A.
9. The filing of a petition for review does not in itself stay execution or enforcement of board action. Upon application, the board or the review court, in appropriate cases, may order a stay pending the outcome of the review proceedings.
[C31, 35, §2799-d1, -d3, -d4, -d6; C39, §2799.1, 2799.3, 2799.4, 2799.6; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, §169.37, 169.39, 169.40, 169.42; C79, 81, §169.14]83 Acts, ch 115, §9; 88 Acts, ch 1109, §18; 88 Acts, ch 1158, §44; 89 Acts, ch 296, §19; 98 Acts, ch 1202, §33, 46
Referred to in §169.5, 169.8, 169.20