169.9 Examinations.
1. The board shall hold at least one examination during each year and may hold such additional examinations as it deems necessary. The secretary shall give public notice of the time and place for each examination at least ninety days in advance of the date set for the examination. A person desiring to take an examination shall make application at least thirty days before the date of the examination.
2. The preparation, administration, and grading of examinations shall be governed by rules prescribed by the board. Examinations shall be designed to test the examinee’s knowledge of and proficiency in the subjects and techniques commonly taught in veterinary schools. To pass the examination, the examinee must demonstrate scientific and practical knowledge sufficient to establish competency to practice veterinary medicine in the judgment of the board. All examinees shall be tested by a written examination, supplemented by such oral interviews and practical demonstrations as the board may deem necessary. The board may adopt and use the examination prepared by the national board of veterinary examiners as a part of the examination given to examinees.
3. After each examination, the board shall notify each examinee of the examination result, and the board shall issue licenses to the individuals successfully completing the examination. The board shall record the new licenses and issue a certificate of registration to the new licensees. Any individual failing an examination shall be admitted to any subsequent examination on payment of the application fee.
4. In all written examinations the identity of the individual taking the same shall not be disclosed upon the examination papers in such a way as to enable the members of the examining board to know by whom written until after the papers have been passed upon.
[S13, §2538-e, -f, -i; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §2772, 2790 – 2792; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, §169.10, 169.27 – 169.29; C79, 81, §169.9]83 Acts, ch 115, §7; 2017 Acts, ch 54, §76