1695. (a) Every licensee shall do all of the following:
(1) Carry his or her license and proof of registration issued pursuant to paragraph (8) with him or her at all times and exhibit the same to all persons with whom he or she intends to deal in his or her capacity as a farm labor contractor prior to so dealing.
(2) File at the United States Post Office serving the address of the licensee, as noted on the face of his or her license, with the office of the Labor Commissioner, and with the agricultural commissioner of the county or counties in which the labor contractor has contracted with a grower, a correct change of address immediately upon each occasion the licensee permanently moves his or her address. The address shall also be the mailing address for purposes of notice required by the Labor Code or by any other applicable statute or regulations respecting service by mail.
(3) Promptly when due, pay or distribute to the individuals entitled thereto, all moneys or other things of value entrusted to the licensee by any third person for this purpose.
(4) Comply on his or her part with the terms and provisions of all legal and valid agreements and contracts entered into between the licensee in his or her capacity as a farm labor contractor and third persons.
(5) Have available for inspection by his or her employees and by the grower with whom he or she has contracted a written statement in English and Spanish showing the rate of compensation he or she receives from the grower and the rate of compensation he or she is paying to his or her employees for services rendered to, for, or under the control of the grower. Upon written request, the statement shall be provided to a current or former employee or the grower within 21 calendar days. A licensee who fails to comply with this paragraph is subject to a civil penalty of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) recoverable by the employee or the grower.
(6) Take out a policy of insurance with any insurance carrier authorized to do business in the State of California in an amount satisfactory to the commissioner, which insures the licensee against liability for damage to persons or property arising out of the licensee’s operation of, or ownership of, any vehicle or vehicles for the transportation of individuals in connection with his or her business, activities, or operations as a farm labor contractor.
(7) Have displayed prominently at the site where the work is to be performed and on all vehicles used by the licensee or his or her employees or agents for the transportation of employees the rate of compensation the licensee is paying to his or her employees for their services, printed in both English and Spanish and in lettering of a size to be prescribed by the Department of Industrial Relations.
(8) Register annually with the agricultural commissioner of the county or counties in which the labor contractor has contracted with a grower.
(9) Provide information and training on applicable laws and regulations governing worker safety, including the requirements of Article 10.5 (commencing with Section 12980) of Chapter 2 of Division 7 of the Food and Agricultural Code, sexual harassment, or regulating the terms and conditions of agricultural employment, to each crewleader, foreperson, or other employee whose duties include the supervision, direction, or control of any agricultural worker on behalf of a licensee, or pursuant to, a contract or agreement for agricultural services entered into with a licensee.
(b) The board of supervisors of a county may establish fees to be charged each licensee for the recovery of the actual costs incurred by commissioners in the administration of registrations and change of address and the issuance of proofs of registration.
(Amended by Stats. 2014, Ch. 750, Sec. 6. (SB 1087) Effective January 1, 2015.)