Subdivision 1. Duties. The department, in consultation with interested persons, shall explore ways and means to improve citizen and business access to public services, including implementation of technological improvements.
Subd. 2. Approval of state agency initiatives. A state agency shall coordinate with the office when implementing a new initiative for providing electronic access to state government information.
Subd. 3. MS 2020 [Repealed, 2021 c 31 art 2 s 17]
Subd. 4. Standards for transparency. The chief information officer, in consultation with the Information Policy Analysis Division of the Department of Administration, shall develop standards to enhance public access to electronic data maintained by state government, consistent with the requirements of chapter 13. The standards must ensure that:
(1) the state information architecture facilitates public access to agency data;
(2) publicly available data is managed using an approved state metadata model; and
(3) all geospatial data conform to an approved state geocode model.
1997 c 202 art 3 s 11; 2010 c 392 art 1 s 9; 2014 c 271 art 4 s 5; 2021 c 31 art 2 s 12