Section 17-16-2.1
Reimbursing counties for election expenses – Election Expense Reimbursement Committee.
(a) There is hereby established an Election Expense Reimbursement Committee designated to identify any election costs not included in Section 17-16-2, which costs shall be included as a reimbursable election expense under this chapter. The committee shall consist of the following:
(1) The President Pro Tempore of the Alabama Senate.
(2) The Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives.
(3) The Secretary of State or his or her designee.
(4) The Director of Finance or his or her designee.
(5) The Chair of the Senate Constitution, Campaign Finance, Ethics and Election Committee or its successor committee.
(6) The Chair of the House Constitution, Campaign and Elections Committee or its successor committee.
(7) The Chair of the Senate Finance and Taxation General Fund Committee or its successor committee.
(8) The Chair of the House Ways and Means General Fund Committee or its successor committee.
(b) The committee shall meet not less than 90 days prior to the 2012 state primary to develop and approve the list of reimbursable expenses for the upcoming election cycle. After the list has been approved by the committee, it shall be forwarded to the Comptroller’s office. The Comptroller shall distribute the list to the chair of each county commission and each probate judge in the state no later than 60 days prior to the date of the primary. The list of approved expenses shall apply in all elections and remain in effect until and unless amended by the committee at least 90 days prior to the primary in a subsequent election cycle.
(Act 2011-147, p. 276, §2.)