Effective – 28 Aug 1996, 2 histories
170.260. Motivated students program, requirements. — Each school in each school district, as defined in section 160.010, which offers more than one classroom section of a regular instruction class or program, may offer at least one section of such class or program which shall be designated as motivated. Only students who apply for entrance into the motivated section and complete and sign a motivated contract, established by resolution of the school board of the district, shall be eligible for admission into a class or program designated as motivated. The contract shall include, at a minimum:
(1) A commitment to do all required homework except when extenuating circumstances prevent;
(2) A commitment to be respectful to teachers and other students at all times;
(3) Provision for probationary status upon the first violation of the contract by the student; and
(4) Provision for transfer to a regular class or program upon the third violation of the contract within a school year by the student.
(L. 1996 H.B. 1301 & 1298)